Mulching Trees Too Much | Mulch Volcanoes Kill Trees

As Penn State puts it: “Mulch Volcanoes are Erupting Everywhere“, and they are killing trees. It is a slow death, but one that is almost inevitable. Gardeners and landscape professionals see over mulched trees everywhere and they copy the method, not knowing that they are mulching incorrectly.

The main cause of death has been attributed to increased trunk rot, but that is a myth. This post will debunk this myth, explain the real cause of death, show you how to mulch trees and shrubs properly and how to fix the problems caused by mulch volcanoes.

huge cone shaped pile of mulch around a thin tree
An extreme mulch volcano. Notice that all of the trees in the background are also over mulched, source: Paul Hetzler, Adirondack Almanack

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Mini-Forest Revolution, by Hannah Lewis – Book Review

Mini-forests are popping up all over the world and even my own town planted one in this past summer. I wanted to learn more about this new trend and the book, Mini-Forest Revolution: Using the Miyawaki Method to Rapidly Rewild the World, by Hannah Lewis, (Amazon affiliate link) seemed like a good place to start. It describes a movement to restore biodiversity by transforming empty spaces and degraded land into mini-forests. Here is a review of the book.


hand holding the book titled Mini-Forest Revolution
Mini-Forest Revolution by Hannah Lewis, source Topia

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Tricks to Make Your Christmas Tree Last Longer

There is nothing quite like a real Christmas tree and there are things you can do to keep them fresh for a long time. I’ll give you tips for making them last and look at suggested additives to keep the tree fresh including commercial tree preservatives, molasses, sugar, bleach, soft drinks, aspirin, honey and fertilizer. Which of these work the best?

Christmas tree water
Water your tree before it dries out, Source: Eat Read Sleep

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Best Time To Plant Trees

When should you plant new trees? Many people plant in spring, probably because they want to do some gardening at that time of year. Others claim that fall planting is better. Here is what the experts say.

Best time to plant trees
Best time to plant trees

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When Do Roots Grow – Spring, Summer or Fall?

Common advice is that tree roots grow in spring and fall and take a rest in summer. The tree is too busy in summer taking care of leaves, flowers and fruit to do much root growth. Roots also grow better in cool weather. Perennials also take a rest in cold winters, but do the roots grow in summer? This certainly seems to make a lot of sense, but is it really true?

When Do Roots Grow - Spring, Summer or Fall?
When Do Roots Grow – Spring, Summer or Fall?

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Washing Tree Roots Before Planting

In a previous post I described the right way to plant a tree or shrub. If you follow that process you will have success most of the time. Today, I’d like to look at a new method for treating trees before planting; washing and pruning roots.

Science does not stand still. Tree researchers are continually looking at ways to improve the planting process and in recent years a new way of handling the tree roots has come to light. It goes against everything that makes common sense, but it could have some benefits.

Washing Roots Before Planting Trees
Washing Tree Roots Before Planting, photo source: Tony Fischer

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Planting Trees – Are Square Holes Better than Round Holes?

There have been several articles in the past few years that recommend planting trees in square holes rather than round holes. It is claimed that the square holes will result in more root growth into your native soil outside of the planting hole, which is good for proper tree development.

Does this work? Should we all start making square holes to plant trees?

Planting Trees - Are Square Holes Better than Round Holes?
Planting Trees – Are Square Holes Better than Round Holes?, source: Return to Now

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Ginkgo Biloba Tree Myths – The Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo biloba (also spelled gingko) has become a popular tree and many people are able to recognize it. Its a living fossil that has been around for millions of years. Dinosaurs roamed the ginkgo forests and its been part of Chinese herbalism for centuries. It is unlike any other tree we grow and it has become the symbol of strength, hope and peace.

Several ginkgo stood near the detonation site of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima. They not only survived the blast, but they fully recovered and are still standing. It is now regarded as a symbol of endurance and vitality.

Its long history and unusual botanical attributes have contributed to a number of myths about Ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo Biloba Tree Myths - The Maidenhair Tree
Ginkgo Biloba Tree Myths – The Maidenhair Tree

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Do Trees Have A Heartbeat? – A Myth is Born

It is becoming popular to ascribe human characteristics to plants and the latest headlines say, Scientists Discover That Trees Have A “Heartbeat”. Imagine that, soon trees will be falling in love with each other.

Plants are extremely interesting organisms, but this habit of making them sound animal-like is confusing a lot of people. In a Facebook Group, gardeners started to question the harm we do to trees when we prune them – does it affect their heat? Do they feel pain?

This myth has a very clear beginning and illustrates how many modern day myths get started.

Do Trees Have A Heartbeat? - A Myth is Born
Do Trees Have A Heartbeat? – A Myth is Born

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22 Myths About Christmas Trees

Hoe, hoe, hoe ….. its Christmas time and a good time to expose myths about Christmas trees. How do you keep Christmas trees hydrated? Should you add diapers to the tree stand? Are artificial trees more eco-friendly? Do they still contain lead? Can you reuse trees grown in pots? How do you cut the bottom of the tree? These and many more questions will be answered in this holiday gift to you.

22 Christmas Tree Myths
22 Christmas Tree Myths

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Planting Trees – Remove String, Burlap and Wire Basket

Society has been planting trees for hundreds of years and yet we still don’t know how to do it properly. The average landscape tree is not planted correctly – but that long discussion is for another post. Today I would like to show you what happens when you do not remove string, burlap and wire baskets.

Planting B&B (bare and burlap) trees, with permission of Maple Leaves Forever
Planting B&B (bare and burlap) trees, with permission of Maple Leaves Forever

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