Free Gardening Books

There are some great gardening books available on the internet for free. The following is a list of some special ones that are worth reading or using as a reference. These are pdfs and not e-books. Enjoy.

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Free books

Free Gardening Books

Enjoy these free gardening books.

Growing Great Tomatoes by Robert Pavlis

A free ebook that show you how to grow tomatoes  using the latest science and ignoring common myths.

book cover of growing great tomatoes

Get a free copy of Growing Great Tomatoes


24 1/2 Garden Design Ideas by Robert Pavlis

A free ebook that show you how to critique gardens and steal ideas.

Get a free copy of 24 1/2 Garden Designs


Dr. Deno’s Seed Starting Books

A must-have reference book for anyone who is serious about germinating seeds.

Seed Germination Theory and Practice, by Dr. Norman C. Deno.


North American Rock Garden Society Magazine

The Rock Garden Quarterly from 1938, up to a few years ago is available free of charge. Only members can see the last couple of years.


Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers

Over 600 pages of useful information for growing vegetables.

Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers


Organic Gardening for Dummies

Introduction to organic gardening – 350 pages


Botany Primer

A good introduction to botany with great pictures – something every gardener should read.


Bee Basics: An Introduction to our native Bees

The 40-page booklet primarily focuses on bees native to North America, of which there are 4,000 species, found in forests, farms, cities, wildlands and deserts.

Use this link to get the booklet: Forest Service website.


Tom Clothier’s Germination Database

This is a great source of four databases of germination information. You can’t download them, but they are easy to use online.


Woody Plant Seed Manual

This is the USDA FS Agriculture Handbook 727, a handbook on seeds of trees and shrubs. It seems like a great resource except that each chapter and section is a separate pdf – so you need to download in sections. Plant Seed Manual


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