Twining Direction in Beans – are Scarlet Runner Beans Different?

I was working on my new book, Plant Science for Gardeners (to be released spring 2022), and came across a claim that most beans twine anti-clockwise, but that runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus) twine clockwise. This claim was on a government extension site, so it just might be true. It seemed really odd to me, but why would someone make this up? Surely this is something that is easy to check?

I have been growing runner beans for many years but I decided not to plant any this year so I couldn’t even check my garden.

There are also claims that plants, including beans, twine differently in the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. The idea that water drains in a different direction in the south is a myth, so what about twining vines?

Twining Direction in Beans - are Scarlet Runner Beans Different?
Twining Direction in Beans – are Scarlet Runner Beans Different?

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Identifying Plants can be Tricky

I had a garden open house yesterday for a local gardening group. It was a beautiful day and I was enjoying the visitors, or at least I was until one of them mentioned that I had the dreaded ‘dog strangling vine’. News to me! I have never had it before. I asked to see it and a few guests followed us to one of my clematis arbors. They pointed to evil villain.

I smiled and told them that this was a precious seedling I had grown a few years ago. I thought I had lost it during the winter, but luckily it survived. It even flowered with very small dark red/brown flowers. I mean very small! It was now making seed pods – nice long slender pods. I was very proud of my plant.

Cynanchum louiseae
Cynanchum louiseae – Dog Strangling Vine

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Clematis Roots Don’t Need To Be Kept Cool

Just about every book and website tells you keep Clematis roots cool.  Planting them so that the roots are shaded is a gardening myth! Clematis roots don’t need to be any cooler than any of your other perennials.

keep Clematis roots cool
Keep Clematis roots cool

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