Seed Germination Theory and Practice by Dr. Norman C. Deno

Home » Blog » Seed Germination Theory and Practice by Dr. Norman C. Deno

Robert Pavlis

Dr. Deno’s Seed Starting Books

A must-have reference book for anyone who is serious about germinating seeds. Provided as free pdf downloads.

1) Introduction to Seed Germination Theory and Practice, (second edition)

Dr. Deno, Seed Germination Theory and Practice Introduction.

2) First supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice.

Dr. Deno, Seed Germination Theory and Practice First Supplement.

3) Second supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice.

Dr. Deno, Seed Germination Theory and Practice Second Supplement.

Dr norman deno

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Robert Pavlis

I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees. Yes--I am a plantaholic!

12 thoughts on “Seed Germination Theory and Practice by Dr. Norman C. Deno”

  1. Hello. I live on the northern coast of Honduras in Central America and am as you say a “plantaholic”. My small garden has many tropical plants including orchids. Since I have been listening to your enlightening information, many myths have been debunked. Thank you very much.

  2. I have watched many gardening videos on YouTube, but after finding yours I am binge watching all of them. You have either changed my mind or answered many questions I have had on growing plants. Thanks.

  3. I’ve owned and loved Deno’s books for years, great browsing as well as possibly the most useful reference for (trying to…) germinate seeds of any type whatever! Thank you so much for sharing them as PDFs.

  4. Wow! I ran across and bought these back when they first were offered…. thought I was the only one 🙂 So good to see that you are making them available to all… first reference to them that I’ve ever found. Thanks again (this is like finding an old, long-dead friend, still alive and kicking lol

  5. Last two days I spent sufficient time to go through many articles you have published & amazed to learn so much from the article. Your knowledge is unbeatable & the way you have explained minute details are not only amazing But wonderful. You are a great teacher & every gardener will be indebted to you for such a terrific articles. I live in India.

    Thank you


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