Cornus mas is a shrub or small tree that blooms very early in year, even before forsythia. It has attractive yellow flowers followed by red fruit that develops in fall. It does not make a big splash in the garden, but adds a nice touch to a shrub border.

The Cornelian Cherry starts to flower very early as soon as the days get warm and it can even flower when there is still snow on the ground. It can also be pruned into an interesting small single or multi-trunk tree. It can sucker a bit.

The fruit, properly called a drupe, can be eaten raw, but they contain a large pit and are very tart. They are most often used for making preserves. Birds do like them. A newly planted specimen can flower for several years before making fruit. They are self-fertile but produce more fruit if more than one plant is used to allow for cross-pollination.

A number of cultivars are available.
Variegata – has variegated leaves
Aurea – has golden leaves
Nana – is only 3 ft tall
Flava – has yellow fruit
Fructu Violaceo – produces purple fruit
Alba – has white fruit
Spring Glow – grows better in hot climates
Golden Glory – has larger flowers and fruit

Cornus mas
(KOR-nus mass)
Life Cycle: shrub
Height: 5 m (15 ft)
Bloom Time: late winter
Natural Range: South-west Asia, South Europe
Habitat: dry deciduous forests and brushlands
Synonyms: n/a
Cultivation of Cornus mas:
Light: part shade to full sun
Soil: variable
Water: medium to dry
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Propagation: seed, softwood cuttings