Bukiniczia cabulica

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Robert Pavlis

Bukiniczia cabulica, photo by Robert Pavlis

Bukiniczia cabulica is one of the cutest rock garden plants you can grow. Its flowers are reported to be pink, but all I see is a tan color. This does not really matter because you don’t grow it for the flowers. This plant is all about leaves which are a beautiful mottled blue green.

Bukiniczia cabulica, first year seedlings (1/4" rock) :photo by Robert Pavlis
Bukiniczia cabulica, first year seedlings (1/4″ rock) :photo by Robert Pavlis

It is easy to grow from seed and it self-seeds near the mother plant which is a good thing since it’s monocarpic. It will grow for 2-3 years, flower and then die.

Bukiniczia cabulica, 3 year old plant flowering in summer :photo by Robert Pavlis
Bukiniczia cabulica, 3 year old plant flowering in summer :photo by Robert Pavlis

The pictures show my plants at varying ages, originally grown from ORG&HPS seeds. This year three of the four plants flowered and started dying immediately. The fourth got even larger, and is now making offsets. I am hoping the pups will survive after the mother flowers next summer. Removing flower stems as soon as you see them may extend the life of the plant.

I left the flower stems on the flowering plant until they were mature and within a month I started seeing new seedlings. By fall they were about one cm in diameter.

Bukiniczia cabulica, 3 year old plant forming offshoots (fall) :photo by Robert Pavlis
Bukiniczia cabulica, 3 year old plant forming offshoots (fall) :photo by Robert Pavlis

Bukiniczia cabulica

(buh-kin-NICH-ee-uh  ka-BUL-ee-kah)

Life Cycle: monocarpic

Height: 4 cm (2 in)

Bloom Time: summer

Natural Range: Pakistan and Afghanistan

Habitat: ?

Synonyms: Aeoniopsis cabulica, Dictyolimon macrorrabdos

Cultivation of Bukiniczia cabulica

Light: sun

Soil: average to sandy

Water: drought resistant

USDA Hardiness Zone: 5 – 9

Propagation: seed

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Robert Pavlis

I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees. Yes--I am a plantaholic!

5 thoughts on “Bukiniczia cabulica”

  1. I would like to have this plant in my garden. Where would I be able to get a plant or seeds. I have been unsuccessful in finding anything

  2. I just enjoyed reading about the care of Orchids, mine is sending up shoots . The first time I have ever had an orchid rebloom in the USA .


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