Bee Hotels – Do They Really Work?

There is a great movement afoot for creating bee friendly gardens. People not only want to provide flowers, water and a habitat for the bees; they also want to provide a home for them. Lots of websites provide DIY instructions for creating these, and many companies now sell commercial products. Do bee hotels work? Which ones work better? Are there designs that will increase your chance of getting bees to move into your bee hotel?

This blog will answer all of these questions and many more.

If you think the picture below shows a good bee hotel – your wrong. It’s pretty but not good for bees.

Bee Hotels - Do They Really Work?
Bee Hotels – Do They Really Work?

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Are Native Bees Dying?

Native bees are apparently in trouble. They are dying by the millions. We all need to plant more flowers to try and save the bees. Turns out that much of this is based on false information. We don’t actually know the status of most native bees.

In this post I will look at how this myth got started and discuss some real facts about native bees.

Are native bees dying? Bumblebee on flower
Are native bees dying? Bumblebee on flower

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Honey Bees vs Native Bees

This is not a comparison of honey bees and wild native bees. Instead I will discuss the miss-use of the word bee and how this is leading the general public to reach all kinds of incorrect conclusions.

Headlines about bees are common, but many are incorrect or at least misleading. What do these headlines really mean? Which bees are they talking about?

The Bees are Dying

Save the Bees by Planting Flowers

We Will All Starve If We Don’t Save the Bees

Is this a honey bee or native bee?
Is this a honey bee or native bee?

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