Blog List Category: Shrubs

Mulching Trees Too Much | Mulch Volcanoes Kill Trees

As Penn State puts it: “Mulch Volcanoes are Erupting Everywhere“, and they are killing trees. It is a slow…

Best Time To Plant Trees

When should you plant new trees? Many people plant in spring, probably because they want to do some gardening at that time of…

When Do Roots Grow – Spring, Summer or Fall?

Common advice is that tree roots grow in spring and fall and take a rest in summer. The tree is too busy in summer taking…

Globularia repens – creeping globe daisy, dwarf globe flower and Globularia nana

Globularia repens is an uncommon alpine that is perfectly suited to the rock or scree garden. It spreads fairly quickly for…

Cornus Mas – The Cornelian Cherry

Cornus mas is a shrub or small tree that blooms very early in year, even before forsythia. It has attractive yellow flowers…

Flueggea suffruticosa aka Securinega suffruticosa

Flueggea suffruiticosa is a rare shrub in gardens that is interesting, but not spectacular, until fall when it turns a…

Abelia mosanensis (Zabelia tyaihyonii), the Korean Abelia

Abelia mosanensis is a lovely shrub that few people grow. I am not sure why because it is very easy to grow, flowers well…

Learn How Pruning Affects Flowering Shrubs

My two Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’ are coming into bloom, but one shrub was several weeks ahead of the other…

Syringa pekinensis

Syringa pekinensis is a small multi-stemmed tree that would fit most gardens. It has large clusters of cream-white flowers…
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