Blog List Category: Plant Care

When Should You Do Spring Garden Cleanup?

In years gone by it was common to clean up the garden in fall. It does result in a neat clean looking garden, but then we…

What is Finished Compost? The Answer Will Surprise You.

Gardeners have been making and using compost for hundreds of years and we talk a lot about “finished compost”…

Growing Orchids in Water Culture – Is It A Good Idea?

I first came across water culture for orchids about 5 years ago. My immediate reaction was horror. I’ve been growing…

Selecting the Best Potting Soil and Potting Mix

While creating some videos about potting soil (links below) I reviewed a lot of commercial products, looking at both…

Are Fungal to Bacterial Ratios (F:B Ratio) Important for Plant Growth?

It has been known for some time that the ratio of fungi to bacteria varies in different types of soil and in different plant…

Fluoride Toxicity in Plants – Is Tap Water Harmful?

Many municipalities add fluoride to tap water and fluoride can be toxic to plants, so is this a problem? Is tap water harming…

Watering Plants in the Sun – Do Water Droplets Damage Leaves?

Common advice: you should not water the garden at midday because the water droplets act like magnifying glasses and will burn…

Best Way to Fix Root Bound Plants, Before Planting

Many plants purchased from nurseries are root bound, also called pot bound, and the internet provides a variety of…

Washing Tree Roots Before Planting

In a previous post I described the right way to plant a tree or shrub. If you follow that process you will have success most…
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