Blog List Category: Plant Care

How To Debug Plants Before Bringing Them Indoors

Growing marginally hardy or non-hardy plants in cold climates usually involves growing them in containers and moving them…

Feeding Plants From the Kitchen – Which Products Actually Work?

What do you give plants to drink besides water and plant food? This question was asked on Facebook and I was surprised at the…

Does Gravel in Pots and Containers Increase Drainage?

Plant roots don’t do well sitting in wet soil, so drainage is key to healthy plants. Many books and web sites recommend…

Wood Chip Mulch Myths

The use of wood chips for mulch is very popular but there are also many myths about it. Will it rob nitrogen from the soil?…

Is Fish Fertilizer Better Than Compost?

Fish fertilizer is a common organic fertilizer that is recommended for both houseplants and the garden. It has a strong…

21 Common Indoor Plant Myths – That Save You Time and Money

The popularity of indoor plants has skyrocketed in the last year and so have the myths surrounding them. I have gathered a…

Increasing Humidity for Indoor Plants – What Works and What Doesn’t

Indoor plants do better with  higher humidity and there are several recommended ways to create this increased humidity. Some…

Are Marigolds Good for Companion Planting?

There is a lot of talk about companion planting, especially for the vegetable garden, and marigolds seem to be at the top of…

Will Methanol Foliar Spray Grow Bigger Plants?

In 1992, The New York Times reported that “Crop plants sprayed with diluted methanol showed significantly greater…
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