Tap Water, RO Water, Softened Water, Rain Water – What Are The Differences?

There are many different sources of water that can be used for plants including tap water, reverse osmosis water, softened water, and rain water. What are the differences between these and which are the best ones for plants?

When someone says, ” I just use tap water for my plants” you really have no idea what type of water they are using.  It could be water straight from a municipal service or from a well. It could also be water that has gone through a softening process or a reverse osmosis system. It could be naturally hard or soft or it might contain a lot of sodium chloride. All of these can come out of a water tap.

In this post I will discuss the various types of water and how they affect plants. In a future post I will give some practical advice for solving problems you might have.

Tap Water, RO Water, Softened Water, Rain Water - What Are The Differences?
Tap Water, RO Water, Softened Water, Rain Water – What Are The Differences?

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