Mosquito Repellents That Work Against Zika Virus

Many people are against synthetic chemicals and will not consider products like DEET. As I have reported before in DEET- is It Safe?, DEET is quite safe but many still do not believe the facts.

In the last couple of weeks the Zika virus has been all over the news. The World Health Organization has declared Zika virus a ‘public health emergency’ of international concern.

Which mosquito repellents work best against Zika? Are any of the organic products recommended? It is time to have another look at the mosquito problem.

Mosquito Repellents That Work Against Zika Virus
Mosquito Repellents That Work Against Zika Virus

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Mosquito Repellents – Best Options

DEET is the standard in mosquito repellants. It is both effective and safe, as reported in DEET – Is It Safe? But what are the alternatives? Do natural extracts work as well as DEET? Are there safer man-made products? Are there better natural products? In this blog post I will review the current options that are worth considering.

If you are looking to fend off the Zika virus, check this out: Mosquito Repellents That Work Against Zika

Testing Mosquito Repellents
Testing Mosquito Repellents

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