What is the Best Manure for Your Garden?

What is the best manure for the garden? This question is routinely debated on social media providing a wide range of opinions. Some say chicken manure is great but others say it’s too hot and will burn plants. Horse manure can be used almost fresh, but cow manure needs to be composted. Sheep manure is higher in nutrients and sheep digest their food more fully – is that important? Some swear by rabbit manure.

Many of these discussions consist of a lot of opinions, but they’re very weak on facts. In this post I’ll look at the science and try to determine which manure is best.

What is the Best Manure for Your Garden?
What is the Best Manure for Your Garden?

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Is Compost Tea Organic?

You are probably sitting there thinking – is this guy crazy? Compost is organic and so the brewed tea from compost or manure must also be organic. Read on and I just might convince you that compost tea is NOT very organic!

compost tea brewing
compost tea brewing

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