Tomato Seed Fermentation – Is it Required?

Is tomato seed fermentation required? There are quite a few methods described on the internet for collecting and cleaning tomato seed, but which one works best? How do we define ‘best’? What works well for a commercial seed company may not be the best option for a home gardener.

A very common option is the ‘tomato seed fermentation’ method. Some say that it is absolutely necessary in order to get a high germination rate but not everyone uses it and they still claim to get good germination.

It is also believed that fermentation reduces pathogens on the seed. In this post I will look at the science behind collecting and cleaning tomato seeds.

Tomato Seed Fermentation - Is it Required?
Tomato Seed Fermentation – Is it Required?

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Best Way to Collect Tomato Seeds

What is the best way to harvest tomato seeds? There are quite a few methods described on the internet and everyone has an opinion as to what works best. Unfortunately most of these ‘opinions’ are not based on any reliable testing. To really answer the question we need to find out what science says.

In this post I will review the science behind tomato seed harvesting with a special emphasis on cleaning the seed.

Best Way to Harvest Tomato Seeds
Best Way to Harvest Tomato Seeds

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