15 Cactus Myths – Learn to Enjoy Your Spiny Friend

Cactus are very weird plants. They almost never have leaves. They sit there and do nothing for a good part of the year. They don’t flower – or do they? If you are old enough to remember all of the cowboy movies on TV, you are sure to know that you can always stop by a cactus and get a drink.

My first foray into horticulture was a collection of over 100 different cactus, under lights in my bedroom. At that time I went to Europe, in part to see “native cacti”. I’ve grafted them, and even grown them from seed. Fast forward 40 years, and I still have a cactus growing in the garden (zone 5).

For this post I have collected together all of the cactus myths that I could find. Enjoy.

Golden barrel cactus source: Pamla J. Eisenberg
15 Cactus Myths, Golden barrel cactus source: Pamla J. Eisenberg

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