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Do Forests Remove CO2?

Part of our pollution problem is the production of too much CO2. Burning fossil fuels, driving cars…

Soil Amendments – Don’t Amend Before Planting

Almost every book, and most web site tells you that you should amend your soil before planting a new…

Worlds Largest, Smelliest Flower – Titan Arum

 The titan arum (Amorphophalus titanum) is reported to be the worlds largest flower but this is not…

Growing Garlic – Hardneck or Softneck?

I have grown garlic for years and consider it the easiest vegetable crop to grow. I have always been…

Natural Pesticides

In a previous post, What does Organic Mean, I provided some definitions of  the term Organic. Most…

Fear of Chemicals

Chemicals are those nasty man-made synthetic products that are destroying the environment and…

What does Organic Mean?

You see the word organic used everywhere these days so you would think that the word has a simple…
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