Mycorrhizal Inoculant products have been around for more than 10 years but the number of products available is rapidly…
It’s planting time and most fertilizer manufacturers and nurseries are pushing their high phosphorus products, usually…
Fertilizing orchids has always been a mystery for the novice orchid grower, but once you understand your orchids it is very…
Ladybugs, which are also called ladybirds and lady beetles are good predators for things like aphids and many people…
“Virtually every year, a new product appears on the market that claims to be the answer for the elimination of mosquito…
Growing orchids is popular now that plant prices have come down and people are starting to learn how to grow the plants. For…
Jiffy peat pellets, also called Jiffy pellets and Jiffy-7, are a convenient way to start seeds. Just add water to the small…
Someone on a social site asked if anyone knew of a light meter that would measure the amount of light in their garden. I…