Blog List Category: Garden Techniques

Using Conductivity (EC) and pH Measurements to Control Hydroponic Solutions

Hydroponics can be a great way to grow plants but it is important to make sure the nutrient solution contains enough food for…

Dr. Elaine Ingham and The Soil Food Web School

Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web School promote a number of controversial topics in soil management and in this post I…

10 Myths About Raised Beds

Raised beds can be a great way to garden but don’t believe everything you read about them. They aren’t magical!…

Soil pH Testers-Are They Accurate?

Every gardening book and web site recommends that you get your soil tested and one of the main tests is for pH. You can get a…

Myths About Using Fall Leaves in the Garden

Fall leaves are a great resource for the garden but there are some problems in the way they are used. Should they be left on…

Winter Tasks for the Gardener

Its cold and the snow is blowing. All you want to do is get out in the garden, play in the soil and smell some flowers. Even…

Will Electroculture Grow Better Plants?

Electroculture is one of the hottest new gardening techniques, or at least that is what social media wants you to believe…

Korean Natural Farming (KNF) – What is it? Does it work?

I have been aware of Korean Natural Farming (KNF) for some time but never had a close look at it. KNF is not very popular in…

The Myth of Clay Pot Heaters – Do They Work?

Homeowners and DIYers call them clay pot heaters while commercial outlets make them sound fancy using terms like Tea Light…
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