Blog List Category: Bulbs

Does Garlic Need Frost Before Planting?

When should you plant garlic? The common advice is to plant after the first hard frost. That advice may work but it is not…

How to Grow and Harvest Egyptian Walking Onions

Are you an onion addict who dreams of a steady supply of fresh Allium? Expanding your onion repertoire with perennial onions…

Does Real Garlic Seed Exist?

Go to any nursery or garden center and ask for garlic seed. What you get are garlic cloves, just like the ones you get from…

Hyacinthoides hispanica

Hyacinthoides hispanica, or Spanish bluebells are one of the best spring bulbs. Any type of bluebell is a great addition to…

Barnardia japonica

Barnardia japonica is a lovely bulb that flowers in late summer, early fall, when most other rock garden plants are slowing…

Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’

Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’ is a very unusual onion. The leaves are extra wide, grow close to the ground and cup a…

Colchicum autumnale – The Life Cycle Explained

Colchicum autumnale, commonly called the fall crocus has one of the most unusual life cycles of any plant in my garden. It…

Spring Bulbs – When Is The Best Time To Plant?

Almost every gardener grows spring bulbs like tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and crocus. Millions of new bulbs are sold every…

Chives, Garlic Chives, Onion Chives, Garlic Scapes – Which One Do You have?

There is a lot of confusion out there about various chives and garlics. Identifying one from the other is actually quite…
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