Plants Don’t Produce Oxygen (O2) From Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Everyone is aware of the high carbon dioxide levels in the air and its contribution to global warming. And many of you have heard that plants can convert this CO2 into oxygen. Plants are important in controlling the CO2 level, but they don’t convert CO2 into O2.

Did you know that plants also take in oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, just like animals?

All of this is a bit academic, but very interesting if you really want to understand plants.

Plants Don’t Produce Oxygen (O2) From Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Plants Don’t Produce Oxygen (O2) From Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Photo source: Science Sparks

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Do Houseplants Increase Oxygen Levels?

Indoor plants have a great reputation for purifying the air in our homes. In Air Purifying Plants – Do They Work?,  I debunked the idea that houseplants remove VOCs (toxic chemicals) from our home – it is just a well publicized myth. Several people commenting on that post and the post called A Garden Myth is Born – Plants Don’t Purify Air, to make the point that plants do more than remove chemicals – indoor plants increase oxygen levels in the air. This increased oxygen contributes a lot to our well being – or so people claim. Do houseplants increase oxygen levels in the home?

House plants don't increase oxygen levels in the home.
House plants don’t increase oxygen levels in the home.

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