Paeonia rockii

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Robert Pavlis

Paeonia rockii, from seed by Robert Pavlis
Paeonia rockii, from seed by Robert Pavlis

Paeonia rockii is a lovely tree peony that should be grown more. It can be difficult to find in a nursery, but those specializing in peonies will have it. The ones pictured here were grown from seed obtained from the Ontario Rock Garden Society Seedex program. The flowers are mostly white or light pink with dark maroon basal flares on the petals. There is some variation in flower form and coloration. One seedling from this group has red leaves in early summer.

The common name, tree peony, describes the woody stems that are produced, but it is probably more correct to call these shrubs, not trees.  They do not need staking.

Paeonia rockii, from seed by Robert Pavlis
Paeonia rockii, from seed by Robert Pavlis

Growing peonies from seed is very rewarding but does take some patience. It can easily take 5 years for Rock’s peony to flower, but it is worth the wait. Tree peonies can also be propagated by grafting a tree peony bud onto an herbaceous peony root. This is how most tree peonies are produced for the trade. Grafted plants may sprout new shoots from the herbaceous root and these need to be removed as soon as they are spotted. The leaves of tree peonies and herbaceous peonies look quite different once they grow next to each other.

Paeonia rockii, white form:photo by Robert Pavlis
Paeonia rockii, white form:photo by Robert Pavlis

In zone 5, tree peonies seem to have some die back each year. Wait until new buds are expanding and then remove the dead tips off branches.

Paeonia rockii, pink form:photo by Robert Pavlis
Paeonia rockii, pink form:photo by Robert Pavlis

Click this link to find out more about germinating peony seeds.

Paeonia rockii

(pay-OHN-ee-uh  ROK-ee-eye)

Life Cycle: shrub

Height: 180cm (6 ft)

Bloom Time: spring

Natural Range: China

Habitat: deciduous forests, forest margins, shady slopes, limestone rocks, 1100-2800 m

Synonyms: Paeonia suffruticosa subsp rockii, Paeonia linyanshanii

Cultivation of Paeonia rockii

Light: part shade to shade, can take full sun in colder regions

Soil: well drained, humusy

Water: average

USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 – 9 (survives in colder zones but will die back to ground)

Propagation: seed, grafting

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Robert Pavlis

I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees. Yes--I am a plantaholic!

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