Microbe Science for Gardeners is Released

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Robert Pavlis

Microbe Science for Gardeners – Secrets to Better Plant Health is released and I got my first copy today. This book looks at the interaction between microbes and plants in a new way and debunks some of the myths around it, while at the same time providing good solid information about the microbes themselves.

The book discusses the most common types of microbes both as individuals and their interaction with each other. These microbe communities exist on leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and even on fruit. Each community is different and affects the plant in different ways. Soil communities are important but so are the ones above ground. Armed with this knowledge the book then provides solid advice on what the gardener can do to create healthy microbe communities and as usual, it discusses a number of myths along the way. 

Microbe Science for Gardeners is Released
Microbe Science for Gardeners is Released

Microbe Science for Gardeners – Availability

Microbe Science for Gardeners will ship soon in paperback and ebook formats and I just found out that it will be converted into an audiobook shortly.

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Your garden’s little helpers – the role of microbes in growing great plants

Microscopic organisms are as important to plant growth as water and light. Microbe Science for Gardeners highlights the essential role of microbes in plant biosystems and soil health, provides practical how-to gardening advice for enhancing plant microbiomes, and debunks common gardening myths.

This accessible guide goes beyond soil biology to examine the crucial role of microorganisms in cultivating a productive garden. Coverage includes:

  • The vital interrelationships in microbe populations and between microbes and plants
  • Understanding microbes such as bacteria, yeast, mycorrhizal fungi, and protozoa, both in the rhizosphere and above ground
  • Scientific breakthroughs about microbes that live in the leaves and roots of plants, forming symbiotic relationships
  • How practices such as tilling, crop rotation, and mulching affect the microbe community
  • How the savvy gardener can influence microbial colonies to encourage beneficial organisms while discouraging those that cause disease or other undesirable effects
  • An objective, common-sense analysis of recently popularized practices such as controlling fungal-to-bacterial ratios and applying biostimulants, compost tea, or plant probiotics
  • Prevention and cures for dozens of bacterial, viral, and fungal plant diseases.

Whether you’re a home gardener, market gardener, or micro-farmer, Microbe Science for Gardeners will help you leverage the incredible power of the mighty microbe to grow healthy, strong, thriving plants.

Science for Gardeners Series

You may have noticed that this book is part of the Science for Gardeners series.

Soil Science for Gardeners

YouTube video

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Plant Science for Gardeners

YouTube video

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Compost Science for Gardeners

YouTube video

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Robert Pavlis

I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees. Yes--I am a plantaholic!

4 thoughts on “Microbe Science for Gardeners is Released”

  1. I haven’t yet read your Microbe Science but have read the rest in the series. All well written both scientifically and in terms of readability to the layman (definitely not the dry reading of a typical textbook.) The first one Iread (and the one I recommend others read first is Soil Science) because it is, in all senses of the word, the foundation of plants and because it is a topic that is rarely discussed, and there is much misinformation about it.


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