Homemade weed killers are all the rage and vinegar or salt or a combination of the two are highly publicized. How well do they work? How do they compare with Roundup? In today’s post I will compare the three options by testing them on real weeds in my garden.
Vinegar, Homemade Weed Killer
I’ve discussed vinegar before in Vinegar Weed Killer Myth. It is effective against small weed seedlings, and it does destroy the green leaves above ground. It has very little effect on roots.
In this post vinegar refers to the stuff you can buy in a grocery store. It does not include 20% acetic acid which is a dangerous chemical that does kill some weeds.
Salt, Homemade Weed Killer
Salt, usually in the form of sodium chloride, the table salt, is recommended quite a bit for killing weeds. It can be used in water, as a solid or even mixed with vinegar.
Salt does kill weeds, as well as all other plants. Sodium is a toxic metal ion which dissolves easily in water. It moves through soil along with the water. If the amount of sodium is high enough it kills plants, so it should be no surprise that it kills weeds.
Unlike synthetic or organic pesticides which break down over time, the sodium ion does not break down. It might be washed away by water to another location, like the soil where you grow favorite plants, or into local rivers and lakes, but it will always be somewhere.
Someone on a social network group said they kill weeds by applying salt, and nothing grows in the spot for at least 2 years. Great – the weeds are gone because the soil has been contaminated so much nothing will grow there until water leeches the excess sodium away. That does not sound like good gardening to me.
Roundup Weed Killer
The active ingredient in Roundup is a chemical called glyphosate. Contrary to popular belief, this is a safe chemical (ref 1) and it works very well on most plants.
Glyphosate is absorbed by the leaves of growing plants and is transported to the roots. There, it slowly kills the roots and in turn the whole plant dies. This process is fairly slow, and usually takes 10 – 14 days for the plant to die.
Roundup vs Vinegar vs Salt
The above descriptions are basic facts about the three weed killers. I wanted to see them in action and be able to compare them to see how effective they really are.
I know Roundup works since I have used it in the past on a few very stubborn weeds including quack grass and bindweed. I have never used vinegar or salt.
In early spring, I dug out some good sized dandelions and potted them up. I took good care of them for a couple of months to make sure they were growing well. The picture below shows the three plants just before being sprayed with a weed killer.
Each pot was sprayed once with one of these: Roundup, pickling vinegar (7% acetic acid), and salt (1/4 cup sodium chloride per liter water).
After treatment, all three pots were added to my nursery of potted seedlings, which are watered every day unless it rains. They received sun most of the day, with a bit of shade late in the day.
Two weeks after spraying.
From experience, I know Roundup takes about 10 days to start showing results. Plants are usually dead at the 2 week mark. It looks like salt also did a good job and that was not unexpected. Salt, at high levels, is toxic to most plants. Vinegar had browned off the leaves a bit after spraying, but new ones soon grew back. The vinegar treated plant is smaller than before spraying, but is growing fine.
Eight Weeks After spraying
Does Salt Kill Weeds?
You can see from the above picture that the salt sprayed on the plant was not enough to kill it. Things might have been different if the plant had been in the ground. Salt is very soluble in water, and more watering means that it is washed away quicker. The plant would not have been watered as much if it was in the ground and so the salt might have stuck around longer, in turn killing the plant. But that is just a guess.
The salt treated plant is not nearly as large as the vinegar treated plant. So salt certainly affected the dandelion more than the vinegar spray.
Salt may be better at getting rid of weeds, but it is just not a good idea for treating weeds in the garden. Adding salt to your garden is not good for your plants or the environment.
Does Vinegar Kill Weeds?
The pickling vinegar did do some initial damage to the leaves, but it clearly did not kill the plant. This is consistent with scientific reports that say vinegar at 5% or 7% have very little effect on weeds that have well established root systems. See Vinegar Weed Killer Myth for more details.
Vinegar will not kill most weeds in the garden. 20% Acetic Acid does kill some weeds, but is not effective on all types.
In my next post I test vinegar’s ability to kill other types of weeds Vinegar Weed Killer Myth Revisited.
Will Vinegar + Salt Kill Weeds?
Some recipes recommend a mixture of both vinegar and salt. This is probably more effective than just vinegar alone, but again salt is just no good for the garden. I would not use it.
Many of you will have trouble believing me when I say Roundup is less damaging to the environment than salt. Roundup degrades fairly quickly as bacteria and is converted to water and CO2. Salt stays in the environment for ever.
1) Glyphosate technical Fact Sheet: http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/glyphotech.html
2) All photos by Robert Pavlis
Frankly, you went into the experiment biased, and didn’t bother to do your research properly, because you wanted roundup to win. This is proven by your replies to all the comments that are prooving you wrong.
It’s also not confirmed roundup is safe. There are plenty of studies prooving it’s either safe or extremely dangerous. In other words, we don’t really know.
It can certainly stay in the soil for several years, so it’s not that different from salt. Unlike salt though, you can’t plant anything that sucks it out of the ground. Because no such plant exists.
Last, but not least, it’s not true the plants don’t come back after a roundup treatment. Just ask any farmer. Most have to spray several times throughout the year. And they have to grow specially designed crops that are roundup tollerant, otherwise nothing would grow in that field. So the fact that you need to go back with the vinegar after some weeks is no problem, because you would have to do the same with chemicals anyway. Eventually, the vinegar is gonna wear the weed out and it won’t have the strenght to grow anymore, wither, and die.
It’s funny that you’re so scared of putting a little salt in your garden, but don’t mind infesting it with potentionally dangerous chemicals.
The purpose of this experiment was to show vinegar does not work – it had nothing to do with “the safety of Roundup”.
You clearly know very little about the Roundup. https://www.gardenmyths.com/truth-roundup-glyphosate/
The reason farmers may have to spray a second time is because Roundup kills plants – not seeds. So as soon as you spray – new seed germinate.
I use glyphosate. If you don’t like Monsanto, buy an off-brand. Simple as that. Roundup/glyphosate became popular exactly BECAUSE it’s such low toxicity compared to older herbicides.
Thank you, Robert for this information. Unfortunately the fear of “OMG THE CHEMICALLLLSSSSSS” overrides logic for a lot of people. The coffee and alcohol most of us drink is FAR, FAR more harmful to us than Roundup could ever be.
It’s a lot like the anti-vax hysteria, conspiracy theories, etc. It’s so ingrained in someone’s persona that no amount of facts can refute it.
I welcome anyone who opposes my use of Glyphosate to come hand weed my multiple acres. Have fun, I may offer you a beer afterwards (that’s less safe than the roundup you oppose).
I’ll weed your acres if you drink a glass of roundup after…I’d like to test your claim that beer and coffee is more toxic than glyphosate LOL. No need to exaggerate…you and I know that you would never take me up on the offer to drink that glass of roundup….just basic toxicology facts will defeat you.
The fact is that glyphosate is relatively new and there’s all sorts of competing studies. Some organizations call it a probable carcinogen some say no. It has a widely variable half-life in soil and can be very toxic in some scenarios and non toxic in others. Not to mention it’s effects on local wildlife.
I don’t blame anyone who in an abundance of caution doesn’t want to use glyphosate. There’s lots of rational reasons to back up making these types of choices.
Please though, lemme know if I can clink a glass a beer to your glyphosate sometime.
“glyphosate is relatively new” – it has been around for something 50 years???
Almost no organization says it causes cancer – even WHO has now changed their mind.
I may not be as science smart as some of y’all, but idk about needing over 5% acidic vinegar.
I’ve recently sprayed my driveway with broadleaf and grass like vegetation growing. With 2 cups salt/1 gallon cheap 5% vinegar/ hint of dawn soap.
And everything I sprayed was wilted in hours and dead the next day.
No science just my own personal experience.
You missed a key point in the post. The weeds were not dead the next day – they will grow back unless you added enough salt to kill them and in that case you don’t need the vinegar.
Yes this works. But weeds return within a few weeks
You actually have your natural weed killer wrong, add your horticultural vinegar, we use 45% and your salt together, making sure the salt is dissolved, add in a shot of dawn dish soap, we use the blue kind, then spray your weeds. You won’t ever buy Round up again, this method is cheaper and works much faster
Horticultural vinegar is usually around 20% – it does kill some weeds.
45% is not normally sold to consumers – what is that product.
This post is about vinegar – not horticultural vinegar.
Actually thats incorrect, horticultural vinegar’s can come in much higher acidic ratings, i can buy it in 75% acidic ratings if I want, anyone can order it, go to amazon, get it shipped to your door. mix it up and it will kill your weeds faster then any chemicals on the market. Our weed killer basically kills anything we apply it to, if not the second application will. We have the right mixture now that we have done trials on different recipes.
I stand corrected. However, I would not recommend this for home use unless you know what you are doing 45% acetic acid is quite dangerous.
At $25 a gallon for 45% acetic acid – Roundup is much cheaper, works better, and is less toxic.
I will have to correct you again Robert, vinegars with acetic ratings of 20%, 45% even 75% are cheaper then round up because they are meant to dilute the product, I can make a bottle of weed killer cheaper then buying round up, I know this because I make bottles of it, in my area its not advised to treat an area with round up then plant food or produce in that same area for a certain length of time, my customers can spray with this weed killer cause there is no actual chemicals in it. It takes about a week(ish) for round up to take effect on weeds. My weed killer turns weeds black and bent over in around 3-4 hrs!
Higher concentrated vinegar is also handy around the house, they have used this for many many years, people use this for cleaning, laundry, hard water stains etc etc, I agree with you, users have to be careful while handling the product, using PPE its much like using bleach just kicked up a notch or 2 or 3x
I will put my weed killer up against any weed killer round up has on the market today. We have a great product, vinegar is a great product to use for weed killing you need to know the right products to add along with it.
You seem very confused. In your first post you said you use 45% vinegar. Now you say you dilute it. If you dilute it down to 5% then you have regular vinegar and it does not kill weeds. The science on that is very clear. 20% kills some weeds but not all. 45% is far more expensive than using Roundup so even it it worked it would not be worth doing.
Salt is toxic to all plants and pollutes our water ways – it should not be used in the garden.
Danny, what is your actual recipe. I would much prefer vinegar over Roundup.
Great comment, Laplander.
I ate salt and vinegar potato chips once and almost died- wait no I didn’t. Not about to mix any glyphosate with my coffee either
My daughter’s intact male GSP dog’s urine seems to kill everything he pees on. Is there a constituent of dog pee that in particular is lethal to plants? I reckon if I could bottle his pee I could retire early…lol
Mr. Pavlis,
This is awesome! Great job with this article and your commentary. Continue and fight the good fight.
Acetic acid does work. It just needs to be used as part of regular maintenance. I don’t need a quick fix. Certainly don’t want to support MonSatanO.
I personally prefer home made weed killer to kill tough weeds from my lawn. Some time its really tough to clear some weeds. Then I try natural way to kill them permanently. Honestly, I prefer vinegar to make weed killer at my home.
Btw, thanks for the excellent comparison post on this topic.