Streptocarpus Myths

The first hybrid streptocarpus was released in 1946 and since then hundreds of new cultivars have been developed and yet few people are familiar with them. I predict that will change. Streps are easy to grow house plants that can flower all year long. What other house plant gives you that much star power in a small package. They are even better than orchids because they flower more and are easier to take care of.

However, even this lesser known houseplant has started to generate some gardening myths. Let’s have a look at some here.

Streptocarpus Myths
Streptocarpus Myths, source:

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An Introduction To Streptocarpus Houseplants

Streptocarpus are not commonly available and most gardeners either have not heard of them or they know very little about them. I was one of these gardeners not that long ago but now that I have some experience with them I can’t believe they aren’t more popular. They grow in fairly low light, are easy to take care of and flower 12 months of the year. They are also available in hundreds of colors and flower shapes including singles, doubles, straight and frilly-edged. Some of the newer hybrids don’t even look like streptocarpus. In this post, I will introduce you to streps, as they are commonly called.

Streptocarpus 'Grape Ice', source:
Streptocarpus ‘Grape Ice’, source:

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