Seed Dormancy – What is it and How do You Break it?

In my previous post, Plant Seed Basics, I described the germination process in very general terms. A seed lands on the ground, absorbs water, and germinates. It is all so simple – or is it? In this post I will have a closer look at something called seed dormancy. What causes it and how do you overcome it so the seed germinates.

Seed dormancy, Germinating Fritillaria seed, by Robert Pavlis
Seed dormancy – germinating Fritillaria seed, by Robert Pavlis.  Notice the radicle growing through the seed and emerging from the bottom of the seed.

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Plant Seed Basics

In my last post, Plant Seeds – Getting Started, I explained what a seed is and discussed different types of seed such as heirloom, open pollinated and hybrid. Today I’ll discuss the storing of seed and give you some suggests for getting a wide variety of seed. We’ll also look at the germination process – what is germination and what happens during germination.

Plant seed basics - germinating trillium seed, by Robert Pavlis
Plant seed basics – germinating trillium seed, by Robert Pavlis

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