Ruellia humilis

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Robert Pavlis

Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis
Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis

Petunias are very popular in the garden but in colder climates they are annuals. The wild petunia, Ruellia humilis, is a hardy perennial that can take the place of other petunias.

Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis
Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis

Ruellia humilis has a number of common names including prairie petunia, fringe-leaf wild petunia, hairy ruellia, hairy wild petunia and the fringe-leaf ruellia. With so many names you would expect this to be a popular garden plant but it’s not. It is quite rare in cultivation. That’s hard to believe since it is easy to grow and flowers for a long time – late spring to fall.

Ruellia humilis looks like a petunia, is called a petunia, but it is not a petunia. It is a member of the acanthaceae family which includes Acanthus hungaricus. The common garden petunia is in the genus Petunia and the family Solanaceae, which also includes potatoes and tomatoes.

Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis
Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis


Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis
Ruellia humilis, wild petunia by Robert Pavlis

The wild petunia grows to about 30 cm (1 ft) in height and spreads 2 or 3 times that size. Flowering occurs along the tip of the stem with one or two flowers open at a time. Each flower lasts one day and after they drop off, new flowers open above the old ones. The display is subdued since the number of flowers open at any one time is low but it more than makes up for this by flowering  for many weeks.

It is easy to grow from seed and may seed around a bit more than one likes in zone 5, it’s a bit weedy. The seedlings are a bit difficult to pull out without the use of a trowel or similar device. It is reported to be invasive in Florida where it spreads by long-running stolons.

In North America it is an uncommon native plant that is host to the Buckeye and several other butterfly species.

Growing Great Tomaotes, by Robert Pavlis

Ruellia humilis

(roo-EL-ee-uh  HEW-mil-is)

Life Cycle: perennial

Height: 45cm (1.5 ft)

Bloom Time: late spring until fall

Natural Range: Central and Eastern North America, including Texas

Habitat: woodland edges, open thickets

Synonyms:  Ruellia ciliosa, Ruellia humilis var. longiflora

Cultivation of Ruellia humilis

Light: full sun to part shade

Soil: humusy to sandy, not fussy

Water: drought tolerant once established

USDA Hardiness:  Zone: 3 – 9

Propagation: seed, division, cuttings 

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Robert Pavlis

I have been gardening my whole life and have a science background. Besides writing and speaking about gardening, I own and operate a 6 acre private garden called Aspen Grove Gardens which now has over 3,000 perennials, grasses, shrubs and trees. Yes--I am a plantaholic!

3 thoughts on “Ruellia humilis”

  1. We had several ruellia humilis planted on the west side of our house in the Chicago area in August 2021 and they survived our winter, it went down to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. They did well this past summer.

  2. This summer I purchased ruellia brittoniana as a marginal plant in my pond and it has produced a few flowers but as you say, only one or two at a time. I was advised to bring it indoors for the winter but keep it in water.


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