Why Do Beets Always Need to Be Thinned?

You sow beet seed in the garden, and they come up too thick. So next year you plant less seed, and what happens? They grow too thick and need thinning again. Why is it that beet seed can’t be sown so that it does not need to be thinned?

I decided to have a close look at beet seed and in this post I’ll explain why beet seed is always planted too thick. I’ll also introduce you to a couple of new cultivars that don’t need to be thinned and tell you about my favorite heirloom beet which I have been growing for 30 years.

Why Do Beets Always Need to Be Thinned? germinating beet seed
Why Do Beets Always Need to Be Thinned?

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Heirloom Seed Myths – Are They Worth Buying?

What is so special about heirloom seeds? I see a lot of online questions from people looking to source heirloom seeds. Are these seeds really that much better, or is this just another new craze or fad?

People grow their own food mostly to be healthier and they believe heirloom seeds are better for you. Is this true? Do they produce better tasting food, or produce a better yield? What is the real value in heirlooms?

Maybe the attraction to heirloom has more to do with tradition as suggested by this comment; “To the gardeners who love them (heirlooms), it matters that ‘Mortgage Lifter’ tomato came from a man who bred his own tomato plants, selling enough of them to pay off his mortgage”.

Heirloom Seed Myths - Are They Worth Buying?
Heirloom Seed Myths – Are They Worth Buying?

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Tomato Seed Fermentation – Is it Required?

Is tomato seed fermentation required? There are quite a few methods described on the internet for collecting and cleaning tomato seed, but which one works best? How do we define ‘best’? What works well for a commercial seed company may not be the best option for a home gardener.

A very common option is the ‘tomato seed fermentation’ method. Some say that it is absolutely necessary in order to get a high germination rate but not everyone uses it and they still claim to get good germination.

It is also believed that fermentation reduces pathogens on the seed. In this post I will look at the science behind collecting and cleaning tomato seeds.

Tomato Seed Fermentation - Is it Required?
Tomato Seed Fermentation – Is it Required?

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Collect Seeds Easily With Organza Bags

Have you ever gone into the garden to collect some special seeds only to find that they are all gone? The neat trick in this post will ensure that you never lose seeds again. You can even go on vacation while they are ripening and still collect them when you get home.

Collect Seeds Easily With Organza Bags, Jeffersonia diphylla (twinleaf), by Robert Pavlis
Collect Seeds Easily With Organza Bags, Jeffersonia diphylla (twinleaf), by Robert Pavlis

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Germination Test: How to Test Seeds for Viability

The Germination test measures seed viability and can help gardeners figure out why things are not growing from seed.

Last year my planted carrot seed did not germinate very well. Was the seed still viable, or did I plant the seed too deep? Maybe it got too cold and the seedlings died, or maybe they were eaten by slugs? Did I fertilize enough?

I also collected some tomato and bean seeds last year. I wonder if they are viable? And what about the old seeds I have stored in my fridge; should I use them this year or buy new ones?

These questions can all be answered with a very simple seed viability germination test that you can do at home.

Germination test: How to Test Seeds for Viability
Germination test: How to Test Seeds for Viability

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Best Way to Collect Tomato Seeds

What is the best way to harvest tomato seeds? There are quite a few methods described on the internet and everyone has an opinion as to what works best. Unfortunately most of these ‘opinions’ are not based on any reliable testing. To really answer the question we need to find out what science says.

In this post I will review the science behind tomato seed harvesting with a special emphasis on cleaning the seed.

Best Way to Harvest Tomato Seeds
Best Way to Harvest Tomato Seeds

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GA3 – Gibberellic Acid Speeds Up Seed Germination

Gibberellic acid is a natural plant hormone that can be used to speed up the germination of seeds. It is mostly used on seed that is difficult to germinate or ones that takes a long time to germinate. This post will examine how it works, and your options for using it.

GA3 - Gibberellic Acid Speeds Up Seed Germination
GA3 – Gibberellic Acid Speeds Up Seed Germination

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Should Collected Seed Be Stored in the Fridge or Freezer?

It is fall and you have just collected some seed from your garden. Should they be stored in the fridge or freezer? Both suggestions are quite common for storing seed, but the true answer will surprise you.

In this post I will have a closer look at storing seeds from your garden.

Should Collected Seed Be Stored in the Fridge or Freezer?
Should Collected Seed Be Stored in the Fridge or Freezer?

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Seed Germination Theory and Practice by Dr. Norman C. Deno

Dr. Deno’s Seed Starting Books A must-have reference book for anyone who is serious about germinating seeds. Provided as free pdf downloads. 1) Introduction to Seed Germination Theory and Practice, (second edition) Dr. Deno, Seed Germination Theory and Practice Introduction. 2) First supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice. Dr. Deno, Seed Germination Theory and … Read More

Collecting Seed – Great Way To Propagate Plants

Collecting seed is an easy and cheap way to propagate and share plants. It allows you to make more of your own plants or add new types of plants to your garden. You can collect from both gardens and the wild, and it is a great pastime when you are traveling.

In this post I will describe different types of seed and help you determine when they are ready to collect.

collecting seed from clematis seed head (achene) by Robert Pavlis
Clematis seed head (achene), by Robert Pavlis

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Seed Exchange – A Great Way To Get Free Seed

A seed exchange is a great way to get free or low cost seed. It is also a way to get seed that you can’t buy anywhere else. For years now I have been using these services to expand my collection of plants and I just love them. One of the most enjoyable experiences in gardening is seeing a new species of plant flower for the first time.

So where are these great seed exchanges, you ask? This post provides a list of them.

Seed packages have just arrived from the ACS seed exchange
Seed packages have just arrived from the ACS seed exchange and it feels just like Christmas

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Best Method for Starting Seeds Indoors

There are several different methods for starting seeds indoors that work well for vegetable seeds and flower seeds. In this post I will review the various seed starting methods and help guide you in selecting the right method for your situation.

None of the seed starting methods are right or wrong – they all work and produce results. Each method is the best when it is matched to the right type of seed and the correct home environment. Learn about the best germination method for both vegetable seeds and flower seeds.

Best method for Starting Seeds Indoors
Starting Seeds Indoors

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