Blog List Category: Lawns

Native Garden Myths

There is a trend towards a more native gardening style and in general that is good for the environment and wildlife…

Does Core Aeration on Lawns Work?

Walking on your lawn compacts the soil which in turn grows poor lawn grass. The solution is simple. Aerate your lawn…

Traditional Spring Lawn Care is Done Wrong

Lawn care is an important part of a gardeners job but there are several myths surrounding this work. What should you do, and…

The Truth About Clover in the Lawn

Adding clover to lawns is becoming very popular and it sounds so beneficial for pollinators. Unfortunately, the benefits are…

Dethatching Lawn Thatch

The snow has melted and it’s a tradition; dethatching your lawn. But should you be doing this to your lawn? Read on and…

How Long Does Grass Seed Take to Grow?

Most grass seed starts growing in about 10-14 days but it can take as long as 30 days. Here are some tips and tricks to speed…

Lawns Reduce CO2 Levels

Is the lawn good or bad for the environment? You can look at this problem from different points of view and today I would…

Dog Rocks – Do They Prevent Lawn Burn?

I first heard about Dog Rocks in a Facebook Group a couple of weeks ago. Someone was looking for a solution to the urine burn…

Does Lightning Make Grass Greener?

You have probably heard the story that grass is greener after a lightning storm, but is this really true? How can lightning…
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