Bokashi vs Ensilaging vs Eco-enzymes – Are They All the Same Process?

I have been following Bokashi composting for a number of years and never really understood what happens during the fermentation process. Ask people what bokashi is and they reply with, it’s fermentation. Ok, what is fermentation? Few can take the discussion further especially on a chemical and cellular basis. Even dedicated Bokashi groups on Facebook don’t understand what actually happens during the process.

I have been looking at some other forms of fermentation including ensilaging and eco-enzymes, and the picture of what they are is starting to become clearer.

Bokashi vs Ensilaging vs Eco-enzymes - Are They All the Same Process?
Bokashi vs Ensilaging vs Eco-enzymes – Are They All the Same Process?, source: Green and Growing

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Bokashi vs EM vs Eco-enzyme – How Are They Different?

There is a lot of discussion about bokashi, EM (Effective Microorganisms) and Eco-enzyme. When I read the material on these it seems as if there is a lot of overlap between these three topics and at times they even seem to be the same thing. I thought it would be useful to clarify what they are and differentiate between them.

Eco-enzyme are even available as commercial products in Asia.

Bokashi vs EM vs Eco-enzyme - How Are They Different?
Bokashi vs EM vs Eco-enzyme – How Are They Different?, Credit: Shopee

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Soil Factory Using Bokashi Ferment

I am seeing the term soil factory used more often, usually in discussions about Bokashi or Vermicomposting. I’ll restrict this blog to discussions about Bokashi, but most of the comments also apply to Vermicomposting.

It is claimed that Bokashi ferment, the material remaining after the fermentation process, can be used to make soil, which can then be used for house plants or in the garden. This would be quite a feat if true. It takes nature millions of years to make soil and now Bokashi enthusiasts can do it in a couple of weeks.

Bokashi Soil Factory, by
Bokashi Soil Factory, by

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Bokashi vs Composting

Bokashi is a fermentation method used for processing kitchen scraps in the home with very little mess and no foul odors. Some claim that bokashi is a method of composting, but that is incorrect, as discussed in Bokashi Composting Myths.

What exactly is bokashi? We call it a fermentation process but what does that mean? How does fermentation compare to composting on a molecular level? Does one method have advantages over the other?

bokashi vs composting, by

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Bokashi Composting Myths

Bokashi composting, also spelled bocashi composting, is a new way to deal with kitchen scraps. The proponents of the system claim that it has a number of benefits not found in more traditional composting methods. In this blog post I will have a close look at Bokashi composting and separate myth from reality.

Bokashi composting
Bokashi composting, source: Pfctdayelise

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