10 Tricks for a Low Maintenance Garden

The holly grail in gardening is the perfect beautiful garden that exists without any maintenance. I see titles for books and blog posts all of the time claiming to be “no-maintenance”. Any real gardener knows that is baloney but there are things you can do to have a low maintenance garden.

As gardeners age, maintenance becomes more of a chore, but we don’t want to give up our gardens. Making some simple changes in plant selection and attitude can reduce your work load significantly and allow you to keep the garden longer.

In this post I will describe 10 things any gardener can do to reduce maintenance to a minimum.

Aspen Grove Gardens - a low maintenance garden
Aspen Grove Gardens – a low maintenance garden

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10 Reasons for Adding Art to the Garden

Art is a very important addition to any landscape design. In many ways the addition of art makes the garden, but few people think about this aspect of gardening. In this post I will give you 10 reasons for adding art to the garden.  What purpose does it serve? How does it enhance your garden design. How can it be used to make your garden more interesting?

Sculptures at the Cornell Arboretum, by Robert Pavlis Adding Art to the Garden
Sculptures at the Cornell Arboretum, by Robert Pavlis

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Low Maintenance Landscape Design – 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Low maintenance landscape design is fairly easy to accomplish if you know what you are doing. It is also very easy to make small mistakes that increase the time you need to spend on garden maintenance. Why make extra work for yourself?

In this post I’ll show you how to reduce your work by looking at 10 common mistakes people make when designing their gardens. Avoiding these mistakes is easy and doing so usually leads to a better designed landscape.

Low Maintenance Landscape Design: Narrow Strip of Grass
Low Maintenance Landscape Design: Narrow Strip of Grass

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