It’s almost time to start buying seeds and it’s easy to find all sorts of unusual seeds. The rainbow tomatoes…
Why are my tomatoes not producing fruit? This is a common question on social media and in this post I’ll look at the…
I never thought cucumbers were so complicated. When ordering seeds you can certainly order burpless cucumber seed. And the…
Cucumbers are known for being a bit bitter and for giving people gas. In this post I will look at why they are bitter, what…
What is the difference between green beans, string beans, pole beans and runner beans? I sort of know which is which, but…
Growing food in plastic containers is on the rise, but is this a safe practice? What about the chemicals that leach out of…
Everybody wants to grow nutritious food and it has become common to measure nutrient density with a Brix refractometer. High…
You sow beet seed in the garden, and they come up too thick. So next year you plant less seed, and what happens? They grow…
Potato towers are a hot topic, probably because a lot of people have smaller backyards and they want to produce as much food…