Watering indoor plants seems to be one of the most complicated things for new gardeners to learn, which is surprising since…
Everyone loves poinsettias at Christmas but are they toxic to cats and dogs? What about people? Many websites include the…
It is winter and time to close up our homes to keep the heat in and the cold winds out. It is also the perfect time to buy…
The first hybrid streptocarpus was released in 1946 and since then hundreds of new cultivars have been developed and yet few…
Streptocarpus are not commonly available and most gardeners either have not heard of them or they know very little about…
Orchids are one of the most popular houseplants because they are easy to grow and flower – for some of us. But many…
I have written extensively showing that plants do not clean the air in your home, and now new studies suggest that they…
I first came across water culture for orchids about 5 years ago. My immediate reaction was horror. I’ve been growing…
While creating some videos about potting soil (links below) I reviewed a lot of commercial products, looking at both…