One of the most hotly debated questions in vermicomposting is this, is vermicompost leachate good or bad for plants? Some say…
Over the last 20 years there have been a number of news reports about herbicide contaminated manure, compost, straw and…
Gardeners have been using fertilizer for many years and everyone recommends a particular ratio for each plant type. The rose…
I read about weed tea many years ago and I made some. It stunk so bad that I never made it again. With all the interest in…
What do you give plants to drink besides water and plant food? This question was asked on Facebook and I was surprised at the…
People struggle with clay soil and try all kinds of quick fixes including gypsum which is regularly touted as as a clay…
It’s planting time and most fertilizer manufacturers and nurseries are pushing their high phosphorus products, usually…
Despite its name, Bokashi composting is a fermentation process for handling kitchen scraps right in the home. It is fairly…
There is a lot of information floating around about fertilizing orchids, but much of it is wrong. For example, the whole…