Blog List Category: Environmental Concerns

Native Garden Myths

There is a trend towards a more native gardening style and in general that is good for the environment and wildlife…

GMO Houseplant Purifies Air – True or Scam?

The company Neoplants has been in the news a lot lately because they promoted a new genetically engineered houseplant that is…

Does Gardening Harm the Environment?

As gardeners we think that our hobby is good for the environment but a new study finds that it is more harmful to the…

GMO Myths – Understand the Truth About GMO Plants

GMOs are very controversial for two reasons. Firstly, there is a lot of misinformation out there and secondly GMOs are not…

Miyawaki Forest – Do Mini-Forests Really Work?

Miyawaki mini-forests are becoming more popular and even my own town has put one in. Is this another environmental fad or…

Lomi Electronic Composter – Are The Claims True?

The Lomi electronic composter by Pela is one of the more popular kitchen units offered today. They have great marketing that…

Till vs No-Till – Which Is Better For Your Garden

I started gardening a long time ago and at that time tilling was standard practice. Most gardeners did not have a tiller so…

When Should You Do Spring Garden Cleanup?

In years gone by it was common to clean up the garden in fall. It does result in a neat clean looking garden, but then we…

Important Non-Bee Pollinators in Your Garden

A diverse array of pollinators supports the countless species of flowering plants that fill up our gardens, agricultural…
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