Blog List Category: Composting

What You Should Know About Composting Cat Litter

Composting cat litter can help keep it out of your garbage while turning the waste into something beneficial for your garden…

Can You Compost Dog Poop?

The number of dogs and cats in North America has skyrocketed and pet waste is becoming a huge problem. Can you compost dog…

Vermicompost – Is It Really That Great?

Vermicomposting is a popular way of getting rid of kitchen scraps and proponents of this form of composting make all kinds of…

What is the Best Composting Ratio for Browns and Greens?

Composting ratios are confusing and in this post we’ll simplify them and show you which ratio you should be using. Once…

Is Urine Safe to Use in the Garden?

Is urine in the garden a match made in heaven or hell on earth? Human urine is not commonly used as a fertilizer but we do…

Lomi Electronic Composter – Are The Claims True?

The Lomi electronic composter by Pela is one of the more popular kitchen units offered today. They have great marketing that…

What is Finished Compost? The Answer Will Surprise You.

Gardeners have been making and using compost for hundreds of years and we talk a lot about “finished compost”…

Compost Can make You Sick

Compost sounds like such a great thing but it can make you sick. The chance of this happening is very small, but it is…

Bokashi vs Ensilaging vs Eco-enzymes – Are They All the Same Process?

I have been following Bokashi composting for a number of years and never really understood what happens during the…
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